
Blender export to ac3d
Blender export to ac3d


You may be puzzled as we just exported the file as a FBX. In order to use VRM files with Unity, first import UniVRM. If you are planning to upload to STYLY, please use Unity version 2017.4.x. Once you are done with the settings, press Export.


In this article, I will go through the steps for method ①, and how to bring the file to STYLY? My personal opinion is that if you use method ①, it may be troublesome when there are any changes and you have to re-export the file from Blender, and import it to Unity again. (This may not be true If you are using old versions.) blender file to Unity, you can use it as an object just like a FBX file, but if you edit it, the change will directly be applied to Unity too. blender file with the edited VRM file, and use it as a model. ① Export as a FBX, and edit it in Unity, or ② Do not export the object, and import the. So, even if you want to use that avatar as a VRM file, you need to export the file as a different type, such as FBX, and edit the file in Unity to change it into VRM. When you add accessories or change the pose of a VRM file using Blender, and you export the file as a VRM, the changes will not be applied.

  • 4 Exporting as VRM and Uploading to STYLY.
  • After you fixed all bugs export your track as NameOfTrack-src.
  • The track map shows you now where the bug is located. If you found a bug, stop the car and press F12 to make a screenshot. Make sure the track map at the top right corner is activated.
  • Now drive slowly some rounds forward and backward to find modelling and texture bugs.
  • You may have to modify the NameOfTrack.xml and change the line to.
  • Copy the track directory that contains your NameOfTrack-src.ac file and textures to the fitting category folder of your Speed Dreams installation at "speed-dreams-2/tracks".
  • Now you can export your track using Blender 2.49b and the Speed Dreams Exporterincrease the gaming performance of the track.
  • When you finished the track in Blender first make sure any object is triangulated and you do not have quad faces.
  • On complex objects hit "W" key in "Edit Mode" for "Remove Doubles" to removes duplicated vertices - again a way to increase the gaming performance of the track.
  • Delete bottom faces and other faces that are not visible, this will increase the gaming performance of the track too.
  • Split large terrains and object, if they not splitted culling of the game engine can't took place.
  • Don't create object that have more then 500 faces and less then 2.
  • This texture helps you to create a perfect mapping.
  • Try to map seamless textures without stretching them, take a look at the bottom at the attached checker texture.
  • Make only faces twosided that have to be. Important: Blender 2.5.x and 2.6.x handles this by material.
  • Twosided faces can be setup by press in "Edit Mode" the "Twosided > Copy" buttons at panel "Texture Face".
  • Materials properties mustn't be fine tuned, the "Speed Dreams Exporter for Blender 2.49" for Blender exports a standard material.
  • All taht details are later important when creating the shadow map of the track. It is important too that the "Map Input" of the texture channel is set to "UV". Texture of the "UV Editor" should be the same as assigned at the texture channel.
  • Make sure any object that uses the same texture has the same material with same texture channels too.
  • Make sure after you have finished an object you converted it back to triangles. You can convert mesh in "Edit Mode" by pressing Alt+J or Ctrl+T.
  • Often it is very useful and easier to use quads then triangles.
  • Ones your track is saved as a Blender file you can use Blender 2.49b or higher for editing it, but you have to export the track by Blender 2.49b again.
  • Activate "File > Compress File" and save the track as a Blender file.
  • Press Num7 and Pos1 key to view the complete track from top.
  • After import open in the 3D view via "View > View Properties." the "View Properties" panel and setup the "Clip End" to 4000.
  • blender export to ac3d

  • Import the NameOfTrack-src.ac file in Blender via "File > Import > AC3D (.ac)".
  • blender export to ac3d

    If not delete any object of the default Blender scene (normally a cube, a camera and a lamp).

  • Make sure you have a complete empty scene before you import the track into Blender.
  • From this folder Blender will reference the textures.

    blender export to ac3d

    Copy the original track directory from SVN to another folder on your harddisk.For exporting the track from Blender you should use the Speed Dreams Exporter for Blender 2.49.


    Ubuntu users can use this PPA and install "blender2.4" via Synaptic, apt-get or Software Center.

  • As long as Blender 2.5.x and higher do not have a proper working AC3D import/ export script, you should use Blender 2.49 for import/ export track sources.
  • For a new track you have to create the track first using Trackgen or other tools.
  • Speed Dreams Documentation Wiki Create/ rework tracks with Blender Step 1: Preparation

    Blender export to ac3d